Team Gear

Want to buy some HSU Cycling gear? Place your order with our club president, Marina, at marina.marcroft at humboldt dot edu.

Perhaps you’d like a full kit, which includes the jersey and men’s bibs or women’s shorts. Help a few broke college kids by purchasing HSU Cycling gear. Profits from the sale go to the club and help pay for our travel to races.

jersey old schooljersey new school

In 2014, we return to basics. We ordered the classic old school style Humboldt kit in solid emerald green made by Champ Systems, pictured left on Caryn DeFrees. The new school jersey is still awesome on Harry Ward pictured right. The latest order of old school kits should arrive in March.

Either one you choose, thanks for wearing our HSU gear!

hsu cycling kit

8 Responses to Team Gear

  1. Chris Coleman says:

    Send me info. I graduates in ’93 and am now an avid rider! Can’t wai

  2. Chris Coleman says:

    Send me info. I graduates in ’93 and am now an avid rider! Can’t wait!!! Please contact me. I will get something. I still have friends up there to just give you cash. R they
    Club fit?

  3. Ed Allum says:

    What about alumni purchases (class of 1989)? Your cycling jersey is pretty sharp and I’d wear it proudly… Please advise… Thanks, Ed

    • hsucycling says:

      The new semester is almost upon us. Once school starts, feel free to email the club president Marina Marcroft to place your jersey orders. You can contact her the first week of September at marina.marcroft at

  4. Bruce Dolgin says:

    Very cool. I’m in for a jersey.

    • hsucycling says:

      If you’d like to place a jersey order, email marina.marcroft at with your size and where you’d like it mailed.

  5. Bob Booth says:


    E-mail doesn’t seem to work, could you tell me how to order your HSU gear?


    Bob ’91

  6. Bob says:

    Trying to contact so I can order a jersey, but maybe that is an out-of-date e-mail contact. Can you provide current contact info?

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